Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I wish to invite your reputable organization to the above training. We have been delivering training and coaching services to the public and private sector. We have trained RHMTs and CHMTs. We have worked in Mbulu, Arusha, Iramba, Rorya district councils, Dar es Salaam City Council, RAS-DSM, ministries, regulatory authorities, private corporate in banking and insurance sector, etc.

This training aims at enabling effective service value chain, improved image and service delivery. it targets people incharge of the organization's correspondence; they are the first point of contact for visitors, gatekeepers for people and information flow, the one shaping bosses’ moods and focus. If they are not equipped, they can be a source of organizational dysfunction, paralysis and complaints. Therefore, they must display a highly professional image at all times.

Target group: Office Secretaries/Personal Secretaries, Office Superintendents, Receptionists, Messengers, Office Attendants, Office Administrators, office registrars, Office clerks, Drivers etc.

The objectives of this training are to: improve the overall administration within your office, build confidence and improve staff behavioural and performance patterns in workplace, be able to plan, handle and prioritize activities and resources, improve communication skills, impart key computer skills for effective office performance and administration.

Training Contents includes: (1) Office administration skills (2) Communication, reporting & questioning skills (3) computer skills- theory and practical (4) task planning & prioritization (5) event planning and management (9) stress & time management (10) reception skills (11) office supplies and petty cash administration (13) personal development skills (14) customer service, etc

Fee & Payment: Tshs 490,000/= per participant (Covers fee, venue, training materials, lunch and tea/coffee during workdays. Participants are responsible for their travel, accommodation & dinner).
Payment: by cash or cheque to Capacity Building Strategy & Innovation Consult, P.0 Box 8413 DSM.
Certificate of Achievement / Attendance will be awarded for fully participation.
Training Method: very practical, interactive and participatory methods and lecturette

For registration and further information please contact: (Registration form is attached)
Training Coordinator, Tel: 0754 4736150786 473 615

Thank you for cooperating  and we wish to meet your delegates at Tanga.

Yours Sincerely,

Julie Aswani
For : Director

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